
Long-term Anarchist Prisoners

These are, of course, not all of the longterm anarchist prisoners, only all of those we have been in touch with, either directly or via their support crews. If you support a longterm anarchist prisoner who would like to have their situation or words featured on this page, please email us at june11th at riseup dot net.

(Click here for translations of our call for prisoner contributions)


Marius Mason

Marius Mason is an anarchist, environmental, and animal rights prisoner. In March 2008, he was arrested by federal authorities for charges related to two acts of property destruction that occurred in 1999 and 2000 – damaging an office connected to GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) research, and destroying a piece of logging equipment. He faced a life sentence before accepting a plea bargain in September 2008. In 2009 he was sentenced to almost 22 years – the longest sentence of any Green Scare prisoner. An appeal for a reduction in his sentence was denied in 2010.

The Green Scare is the name given to the arrests of animal rights and environmental activists who have been charged with acts of economic sabotage. Federal authorities have sought lengthy sentences (often life in prison) and have publicly and legally labeled the activists as “terrorists” – despite the fact that no one has been killed or injured in any of the acts.

In 2014, Marius came out to friends, family, and supporters as transgender. Ever since, he has advocated for himself and other trans prisoners to have access to name changes, hormones and other gender-affirming medical care, and transfer to other facilities. He started the Day of Solidarity with Trans Prisoner which occurs every year on January 22. Marius is a prolific artist, poet, and musician.

Support Marius Mason

Marius Mason #04672-061
FMC Fort Worth
P.O. Box 15330
Fort Worth, TX 76119

1) all letters have to be written on only one side of the page and are limited to 5 pages.

2) no letters that are on colored paper or on cardstock.

3) any photos must be sent through a company and not directly from the sender. No more than 25 photos will be accepted.

4) all acceptable letters will be photocopied in black and white and that copy given to the inmate.

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Sean Swain

Sean Swain is a hostage held by a lawless rogue-state calling itself “The State of Ohio.” He has been held without legal conviction or sentence since 1991 for the self-defense killing of a court official’s relative who broke into Sean’s home and threatened his life. In fall of 2012, prisoners calling themselves the Army of the 12 Monkeys (A12M) got rowdy at Mansfield Correctional, and the prison authorities assumed “that anarchist” Sean Swain must have been behind it and threw him in supermax isolation. Sean denies any involvement or affiliation with the A12M and is in the process of suing the ODRC for targetting him based exclusively on his ideology and political speech.

Sean is the only son of a retired auto worker and stay-home mom. He has renounced his high school diploma, his college degree, and his honorable discharge from the U.S. military. Before being taken hostage, Sean worked as a newspaper columnist and as a union organizer.

Though innocent of any crime, and though he is held without legal conviction or sentence, Sean will only be liberated when the illegitimate power of the lawless rogue state holding him hostage is abolished once and for all.

The State started the war. Sean Swain intends to finish it.

Sean contributes to Fire Ant journal, has books published with Little Black Cart, and Contributes regularly to The Final Straw radio show.
Burning Down: The Songs of Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain

Sean Swain #A243205
OSP Youngstown
878 Coitsville-Hubbard Rd
Youngstown, OH 44505

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Michael Kimble

Michael Kimble is a black, gay anarchist serving a life sentence in Alabama for the murder of a white, homophobic, racist bigot.

During his first years of imprisonment, Michael embraced communism, but soon moved away from it and toward anarchy because, as he describes it “anarchism is not about building a hierarchical structure for liberation somewhere in the distant future, but about living your life, now, in a fashion that’s liberating.”

Michael has a long history of both individual and collective struggle against racism, homophobia, and prison authority. He continues to organize with and help his fellow prisoners.

Anarchy Live

Michael Kimble #138017
William E. Donaldson Correctional
100 Warrior Ln
Bessemer, AL 35023

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Alfredo Cospito

Un momento del processo ad Alfredo Cospito ideologo anarchico del Fai nel tribunale di Torino, 5 dicembre 2022 ANSA/TINO ROMANO

Italian anarchist Alfredo Cospito was jailed for 10 years in 2012 for shooting Ansaldo Nuclear chief Roberto Adinolfi in the leg, after this sorcerer of the atomic industry made callous statement following the Fukishima disaster. Nicola Gai received a slightly lesser 9 year sentence for being the getaway driver, and has since been released. During that imprisonment, Alfredo was also sentenced to life imprisonment for previously setting off two bombs in front of a police academy near Turin in 2006.

In May 2022, he was moved to 41-bis, becoming the first anarchist to be punished under the particularly heinous solitary confinement regime. Alfredo’s book ‘Which International?’ was used to help justify the move.

He began a hunger strike in October 2022, and has pledged to fight the “non-life” imposed under 41-bis, which concluded with success in April 2023. His continued outspoken iconoclasm continued to inspire waves of solidarity and individualized actions.

Yet another case has begun against him in March 2023, along with other comrades, as part of the Italian Operation Sibilla.

sentencing statements:
One thing sure is that words have lost all their meaning; if we are terrorists, what would you call those who produce weapons, tracking systems for missiles, drones, fighter-bombers, equipment to hunt people trying to cross borders, nuclear power stations, those who do deals with assassins in uniform and famous dictators, in other words, how would you define Finmeccanica?”
Nicola Gai

Ansaldo Nucleare and Finmeccanica bear huge responsibilities. Their projects continue to sow death everywhere. Recently the rumour has spread of probable investments in the enlargement of the nuclear plant of Kryko, Slovenia, a high seismic risk area very close to Italy. In Cernadova, Romania, several incidents have occurred since 2000, caused by Ansaldo’s stupidity during the construction of one of their plants. How many lives have been lost? How much blood shed? Technocrats of Anslado and Finmeccanica, all facile smiles and a ‘clean’ conscience: your ‘progress’ stinks of death, and the death you sow all over the world is shouting for revenge.”
Alfredo Cospito

For more information:
Act for Freedom


Alfredo Cospito
Casa di Reclusione di Milano Opera
via Camporgnago 40
20141 Milano

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Anna Beniamino

Anna Beniamino is an anarchist sentenced to 17 years by the Italian state for allegedly taking part in five separate bombing attacks, and for promoting the FAI. Her sentence is part of the Scripta Manent case. The Fossano bombing in 2006 attacked a school for training Italy’s Carabinieri military-police officers. The Crocetta bombing in 2007 was aimed at the police, and took place in the Crocetta District in Turin. Three mail bombings in 2006 were sent to the then-mayor of Turin, the editor of the newspaper Torino Cronaca, and to a company involved in a prison built for detaining and deporting migrants.

For more information:
Act for Freedom

Anna Beniamino
C.C. di Roma Rebibbia femminile

via Bartolo Longo 92

00156 Roma

Italia – Italy

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Bill Dunne

Bill Dunne is an anti-authoritarian sentenced to 90 years for the attempted liberation of comrades from Seattle’s King County Jail in 1979 and for attempting to break himself out of Leavenworth Penitentiary in 1983. Dunne was charged with possession of an automatic weapon, auto theft, and with aiding & abetting the escape. Charges further alleged the operation was financed by bank expropriations and facilitated by illegal acquisition of weapons and explosives. Bill and his codefendant, Larry Giddings, were accused by police of being “members of a small, heavily armed group of revolutionaries,” associated with the Wellspring Communion.

Dunne has made the rounds of the federal prison system with stints at the infamous Control Unit in Marion, Illinois; Atwater; and Big Sandy where he has assisted prisoners with political & academic education. Bill also organizes solidarity runs in conjunction with the Anarchist Black Cross Federation’s “Running Down the Walls” 5K runs and has edited and written for 4 Struggle magazine.

Larry Giddings was paroled from federal prison in 2004. Bill went before the parole board in the winter of 2014, was rejected and given a 15 year ‘hit’ (meaning he cannot go back to the board for that time period).

About Bill

Bill Dunne #10916-086
FMC Butler
PO Box 1600
Butner, NC 27509

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Joaquín Garcia

Joaquín has been convicted for bombing a prison guard training facility in San Bernardo, Chile, along with his comrade Kevin Garrido. They both were arrested the day of the bombing, November 19, 2015, and were held in prison until September 2018, when the court sentenced Kevin to 17 years, and Joaquín to 13. On November 2nd, 2018, Kevin was murdered in prison by another prisoner.

In 2016, while awaiting sentence, Joaquín attacked the former boss the intelligence police during the Pinochet dictatorship inside the prison they both were held in.

For more information:
Act for Freedom

Joaquin Garcia Chanks
Complejo Penitenciario Rancagua – Modulo 1

Calle La Gonzalina s/n

Rancagua, Region O’Higgins


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Monica Caballero & Francisco Solar

No strangers to repression, they were kidnapped by the Chilean state during the “Caso Bombas” until they were absolved of all charges related to a prior wave of incendiary attacks by anarchist groups. They were also charged for the bomb attack on the Basilica del Pilar in Spain in 2013, and were sentenced to 12 years in prison. After a number of appeals processes the two were allowed to return to Chile in 2017.

In December of 2023 Monica Cabellero was sentenced to 12 years in prison, convicted of being an accomplice in the double explosive attack against the Tánica building in February 2020. Francisco Solar received a total of 86 years in prison: two counts of sending explosive artifacts (54th Precinct and Hinzpeter) 12 years + 12 years. One count of attempted homicide of a carabinero: 15 years. One count of serious injury to a carabinero: 6 years. One count of less serious injury: 600 days. Five counts of minor injuries: 100 days (each). 500 days. One count of aggrivated damages (Commussioner): 818 days. One count of attempted homicide of Hinzpeter: 12 years. Two counts of placing an explosive device (Tánica): 12 years + 12 years. Appeals are pending at the time of this writing.

For more information:

Publicacion Refractario

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Jennifer Amelia Rose

Jennifer Amelia Rose (previously known as Jennifer Gann) is an anti-authoritarian trans woman and insurrectionist amazon held captive for over 25 years for armed robberies and a 1995 attack on a district attorney and associate prison warden. She took part in the 1991 Folsom Prison hunger strike, after which she was beaten and tortured, convicted for armed resistance, and sentenced to multiple 25-to-life sentences under the Three Strikes Law. She has spent over ten years in solitary confinement at Folsom and the Pelican Bay Secure Housing Unit. Despite all of this, Jennifer continues to struggle for freedom, remaining a committed anti-authoritarian, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalist. She has worked with Black & Pink and contributes to the Fire Ant journal.

See her journal here:
Between the Bars

Jennifer Amelia Rose #E-23852
Salinas Valley State Prison
P. O. Box 1050
Soledad, CA 93960-1050

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Sam Faulder

Sam Faulder is an anarchist prisoner currently serving a life sentence in England. Sam is a miscarriage of justice who has done over ten years in the prison system for a murder she did not commit. She spends her time supporting other prisoners. She is now working with Cardiff University’s Innocence Project on her appeal.

Sam’s story highlights intersecting challenges of mental health, trauma, addiction and a corrupt criminal justice system in which there is no even playing field. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2016, beginning a long journey of medical neglect in the prison system where access to treatment faced significant delays and disruption. Her interests include music, astrology, and pagan spirituality. She loves post with silly pictures and nature images.

Freedom For Sam

Samantha Faulder A1209CF
HMP Eastwood Park
GL12 8DB

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Xinachtli (Nahuatl, meaning “seed”) is a community organizer from Texas. Police informants were used to monitor Xinachtli’s organizing activities in the barrio. They were told Xinachtli was “typing legal papers,” “had many books” and was working on police brutality cases in Alpine.

The police knew of Xinachtli’s history of community-based organizing and his legal skills. Xinachtli was recognized nationally and internationally as the national coordinator of the Ricardo Aldape Guerra Defense Committee, which led the struggle to free Mexican national Aldape Guerra from Texas’ death row after being framed by Houston police for allegedly killing a cop. Xinachtli’s human rights work was recognized in Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Mexico and other countries. He was sentenced in Odessa, Texas on June 2-9, 1997 to 50 years in prison for defending himself by disarming a police officer drawing a weapon on him. The trial evidence clearly showed Xinachtli was the victim of witch hunts and a police-orchestrated conspiracy to frame or eliminate him.

Free Alvaro

Address envelope to:
Alvaro Luna Hernandez
W.G. McConnell Unit,
3001 Emily Drive,
Beeville, Texas 78102

Address letter to Xinachtli

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Vangelis Stathopoulos

Vangelis Stathopoulos is an anarchist and martial arts instructor who was sentenced to 19 years in April, 2021 for allegedly taking part in armed robbery of a Greek casino.

The robbery was claimed shortly after it happened in October 2019 by anarchist Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis, currently in hiding. Dimitris claims that he and one other person took part in the robbery, but that person was not Vangelis. Dimitris has been sentenced in absentia to 16 years in prison.

For more information:

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Claudio Lavazza

Claudio Lavazza has spent his entire life in the underground anarchist struggle, taking part in armed attacks, expropriations, liberations of other combatants and in diffusing anarchist propaganda in many ways in Italy and elsewhere. He was arrested in 1996, in a bank robbery in Cordoba (Spain), during which two cops were shot dead. The comrade has a whole of 118 years prison sentence· 11 years for an armed occupation of the Italian consultant’s office in Malaga, in order to send a message of solidarity to the anarchists prosecuted for the “Marini” case in Italy, 77 years from Italian courts and 30 years from a court in France.

For more information:
Act for Freedom

n. d’écrou : 11818
Centre Pénitentiaire de Mont-de-Marsan
Chemin de Pémégnan
BP 90629
40000 – Mont-de-Marsan

(Claudio speaks Italian, Spanish and French)

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Davide Delogu

An anarchist from Sardinia, convicted for 18 years for robbery and attempted murder. In 2011 made an unsuccessful attempt to run away from prison and has another case started because of it. On May 1, 2017 made another attempt to escape from prison, but failed again. He was put in isolation for half a year, and the anarchist went on hunger strike.

For more information:
Act for Freedom

Davide Delogu
Via Roma Verso Scampia 350
80144 Naples (NA)

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Nikos Maziotis

Nikos was sentenced to a 86 years’ imprisonment in absentia in the Revolutionary Struggle case. His sentence was merged into 50 years. However, the maximum prison term is 25 years (which are typically served either as a full sentence or by day wages in prisons, or after the completion of 3/5 of the prison term, when a prisoner can be granted conditional release under specific conditions).
Nikos was on the run for two years, was seriously wounded and arrested on July 16, 2014, after a shootout with cops in Monastiraki.

For more information:
Act for Freedom

Dikastiki Filaki Domokou
T.K.  35010

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John Paul Wootton

John Paul Wootton is a vegan anarchist prisoner and IWW/IWOC member, wrongfully convicted of the murder of a police officer in the “Craigavon 2” case, after a trial before a “Diplock” court, a secret military court with no jury. The case has been supported as a miscarriage of justice by high profile campaigners, legal experts & human rights activists.

Justice for the Craigavon 2

John Paul Wootton
Magilligan Prison
Point Road, Limavady,
County Derry,
North Ireland, BT49 OLR.

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Belarusian Anarcho-Partisans

Ihar Alinevich | Igor Olinevich

Ihar Alinevich is a Belarusian anarchist. Arrested on the night of 28-29 October 2020 close to Ukrainian border by Belarusian border guards together with Siarhei Ramanau, Dzmitry Rezanovich and Dzmitry Dubouski. Charged with terrorism and illegal possession of firearms. According to prosecutors office he and his comrades organized several arson attacks in Soligorsk and Mozyr against state institutions.

On December 22, 2021 he was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Address for letters:

Olinevich Igor Vladimirovich
ST-8, ul. Sovetskaya, 22A

Zhodino, 222163

Igor was previosuly found guilty of participating in an attack on the Russian embassy in Minsk, an arson of the Belarusbank, the attack on the casino “Shangri La” and an anti-militarist manifestation near the General Staff headquarters, and served four years of an eight year sentence before being pardoned. During that time he wrote a book:
In English
In German

Siarhei Ramanau | Sergey Romanov

Sergey Romanov is an anarchist from Gomel. Arrested on the night of 28-29 October 2020 close to Ukrainian border by Belarusian border guards together with Sergey Romanov, Dmitry Rezanovich and Igor Alinevich. Charged with terrorism and illegal possession of firearms. According to prosecutors office he and his comrades organized several arson attacks in Soligorsk and Mozyr against state institutions. Right now is held in KGB Prison in Minsk.

Sergey previously spent 5 years in prison for carrying explosives, upon release, a case of violating the probation requirements.

On December 22, 2021 he was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Address for letters:

Romanov Sergey Aleksandrovich
IK № 9, ul. Dobrolubova 16, g. Horki,
Mogilovskaya oblast’
, Belarus, 213410

Birthday 7 June

Dzmitry Dubousky | Dmitry Dubovski

Dmitry Dubovski is an anarchist from Soligorsk. Arrested on the night of 28-29 October 2020 close to Ukrainian border by Belarusian border guards together with Sergey Romanov, Dmitry Rezanovich and Igor Alinevich. Charged with terrorism and illegal possession of firearms. According to prosecutors office he and his comrades organized several arson attacks in Soligorsk and Mozyr against state institutions. Right now is held in KGB Prison in Minsk.

Dmitry was on the run for 10 years persecuted for direct actions of 2009-2010.

On December 22, 2021 he was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Address for letters:

Dubovski Dmitry Nikolaevich
ST № 4
ul. Krupskoy, 99A,
Mogilov, 212011

Birthday June 29th

Dzmitry Rezanovich | Dmitry Rezanovich

Dmitry Rezanovich is an anarchist from Gomel. Arrested on the night of 28-29 October 2020 close to Ukrainian border by Belarusian border guards together with Sergey Romanov, Dmitry Rezanovich and Ihar Alinevich. Charged with terrorism and illegal possession of firearms. According to prosecutors office he and his comrades organized several arson attacks in Soligorsk and Mozyr against state institutions. Right now is held in KGB Prison in Minsk.

On December 22, 2021 he was sentenced to 19 years in prison.

Address for letters:

Rezanovich Dmitry Grigorievich
IK № 22, st. Domanovo, a/ya 20
g. Ivatsevichi, Brestkaya oblast’
, Belarus

Birthday November 12th

For more information:
ABC Belarus

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Malik Muhammad

Malik is a Black, Muslim, pansexual, anarchist revolutionary, political prisoner, husband and father. He is serving a 10 year sentence for bold actions taken for liberation during the 2020 Uprising in Portland, Oregon.

For more information:
Malik Speaks!

Address for letters:

Malik Muhammad
Oregon State Penitentiary
2605 State Street
Salem, OR 97310

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Julio “Comrade Z” Zuniga

Julio is a longterm anarchist prisoner held in the Texas system and a frequent contributor to projects such as Mongoose Distro. He is currently preparing for an upcoming parole bid, and encourages people to contact his attorney at to discuss how they can support
his parole application. You can find his art here &  learn more about him from this interview with the Final Straw Radio here.

Julio A Zuniga 1961551
PO Box 660400
Dallas, TX 75266-0400

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Tyumen Case Prisoners

In August 2022 5 anarchist and anti-fascists were arrested and accused of setting up a terrorist organisation, attempting to blow up offices of security service FSB and railroads. Evidence on the case is dubious, mostly based on confessions acquired with torture. Originally Deniz Aidyn was arrested with Kirill Brik in Tyumen, allegedly attempting to test an improvised explosive device in forest. Unfortunately, after tortures, Kirill Brik became a cooperating witness and his testimony is in a danger of burying all the other defendants to 30 years in prison, Nikita Oleinik is facing a risk of life sentence as alleged “leader” of the group. Find updates here.

Deniz Aidyn
Deniz Alattinovich Aidyn 1999 g.r.
SIZO-1, ul. Yalutorovskaya d.42, 625000 Tyumen Russia

Yuri Neznamov
Yuri Yevgenevich Neznamov 1995 g.r.
SIZO-1, ul. Yalutorovskaya d.42, 625000 Tyumen Russia

Daniil Chertykov
Daniil Germanobich Chertykov 1994 g.r.
SIZO-1, ul. Yalutorovskaya d.42, 625000 Tyumen Russia

Nikita Oleinik
Nikita Vitalevich Oleinik 1995 g.r. 627100, Tyumen region, Zavodoukovsk, 29g, Perevozkin Brothers St., pre-trial detention center-2

Roman Paklin
Roman Vladimirovich Paklin 1997 g.r.
SIZO-1, ul. Yalutorovskaya d.42, 625000 Tyumen Russia

Note that all letters should be sent only in Russian language – you may use machine translation. Also, several countries have halted mail service with Russia. In case mail service is halted in your country, you may pass letters via ABC Moscow e-mail address

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Network Case Prisoners

First fabricated case against anarchism due to terrorism was the Network case of anarchists in Penza and Saint-Petersburg, arrested in 2017-2018. 10 people sentenced to prison were suspected of having established an underground anarchist organisation preparing for insurrectionary activities, although no proven action had taken place. 3 of the sentenced are already released, seven are still in prison, of whom 6 are listed in the prisoner list by Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow: Viktor Filinkov (sentenced to 7 years), Vasili Kuksov (sentenced to 9 years), Mikhail Kulkov (sentenced to 10 years), Andrei Chernov (sentenced to 14 years), Ilya Shakurskiy (sentenced to 16 years), and Dmitriy Pchelintsev (sentenced to 19 years). Seventh prisoner, Maxim Ivankin, was sentenced this February to 24 years in prison due to double homicide of two of his friends who were on the run with him due to drug-related charges. Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow considers testimony against Ivankin credible, and has withdrawn support for him, although his sentence for the Network case is fabricated. Find updates here.

Andrey Chernov
Chernov Andrey Sergeevich 1989 g.r. FKU IK-5 UFSIN Rossii po Udmurtskoy Respublike 427965 ul. Raskolnikova 53a g. Sarapul, Udmurtskaya Respublika 427965 Russia

Viktor Filinkov
1994 g.r. IK-1 Krymskiy per. 119 460026 g. Orenburg, Russia

Vasiliy Kuksov
Kuksov Vasiliy Alekseevich 1988 g.r., FKU LIU-3 GUFSIN Rossii po Nizhegorodskoy oblasti, ul. Centralnaya d. 22, Krasnobakovskiy rayon, p. Prudy Nizhegorodskaya oblast 606707 Russia

Mihail Kulkov
Kulkov Mikhail Alekseevich 1994 g.r. FKU IK-6 UFSIN Rossii po Respublike Mariy El ul. Stroiteley 56a g. Yoshkar-Ola 424006 Russia

Ilya Shakurskiy
Ilya Aleksandrovich Shakurskiy 1996 g.r. FKU IK-17 UFSIN Rossii po Respublike Mordoviya ul. Lesnaya d. 3 Zubovo-Polyanskiy rayon, p. Ozernyi 431161 Respublika Mordoviya Russia

Dmitriy Pchelintsev
Pchelintsev Dmitriy Dmitrievich, 1992 g.r.
FKU IK-27 UFSIN 612815, Kirovskaya obl, Verhnekamsky raion, pgt. Lesnoy, ul. Tsentralniaya, 5

Note that all letters should be sent only in Russian language – you may use machine translation. Also, several countries have halted mail service with Russia. In case mail service is halted in your country, you may pass letters via ABC Moscow e-mail address

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Russian Anti-War Direct Action Prisoners

In February 2024 anti-war prisoner Anton Zhuchkov, sentenced for 10 years for planned anti-war Molotov cocktail action against police in center of Moscow, was tortured in a Krasnoyarsk prison in Siberia, during a transfer to his distant destination colony. Among other things, during torture he was asked about Anarchist Black Cross. Zhuchkov is not an anarchist, but in early stages of his arrest, he was contacted in name of the Anarchist Black Cross. Currently he is supported by Solidarity Zone, anti-authoritarian initiative to support anti-war direct action prisoners.

Among anti-war prisoners two are anarchists, but neither of them have yet been sentenced. There is however, little doubt that both of them will be sentenced, and that they will be long time anarchist prisoners. Conviction rate in Russia courts is more than 99%,

First of them is Alexey Rozhkov is one of the first people who took direct action against war in Ukraine in Russia. 11th of March 2022, 15 days after beginning of the war, he attacked a military enlistment office in a suburb of the city of Yekaterinburg in Ural mountains with a Molotov cocktail, and was immediately arrested. He was released court pending in the autumn of 2022, as his accusations were not severe, an he managed to escape to Kyrgysztan, from where he was illegally rendered back to Russia in May of 2023. Back in Russia, he was charged with a number of terrorist offenses, and now he will face up to 30 years in prison.

Second anarchist anti-war prisoner, supported by Solidarity Zone, is Ruslan Siddiqui, arrested in the end of November 2023 in the city of Ryazan, 180 km (120 mi) South-East from Moscow. He is accused of having derailed a freight train 11th of November, and a drone attack against airport of Dyagilevo in Ryazan region, which took place 20th of July 2023. He is charged with terrorist offenses, and may end up to 30 years in prison. Find updates here.

Anton Aleksandrovich Zhuchkov, 1983 g.r.,
662606, Krasnoyarskiy Kray, g. Minusinsk, ul. Gorkovo, d. 114 FKU T

Alexey Rozhkov
620019, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Repina street, 4, SIZO-1, Rozhkov Alexey Igorevich, born in 1997.

Ruslan Siddiqui
125130 Moscow, ul. Vyborgskaya d. 20 SIZO-5 Sidiki Ruslan Kasemovich born 1988.

Note that all letters should be sent only in Russian language – you may use machine translation. Also, several countries have halted mail service with Russia. In case mail service is halted in your country, you may pass letters via ABC Moscow e-mail address

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Azat Miftakhov

Anarchist mathematician Azat Miftakhov was supposed to be released 4th of September last year, having finished a 6 year sentence for anarchist action in Moscow, in which a smoke bomb was thrown inside ruling United Russia party. However, Miftakhov was detained in the prison gate with a fabricated case of “justification of terrorism” due to comments supporting anarchist bomber Mikhail Zhlobitski in discussion with other prisoners. Eventually 28th of March 2024 Azat Miftakhov was given a new prison sentence of 4 years, which means that he will spend altogether almost a decade in prison. Find updates here.

Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich, 1993 g.r.
620085, Ekaterinburg, Elizavetinskoye shosse, 19, SIZO-5, Russia

Note that all letters should be sent only in Russian language – you may use machine translation. Also, several countries have halted mail service with Russia. In case mail service is halted in your country, you may pass letters via ABC Moscow e-mail address

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Former Prisoners

Eric King

Eric G. King, a vegan anarchist, was arrested and charged with an attempted firebombing of a government official’s office in Kansas City, MO in September 2014. Eric was being charged with throwing a hammer through a window of the building, followed by two lit Molotov cocktails. The criminal complaint states that both incendiary devices failed to ignite. Eric took these actions in solidarity with the anti-racist and anti-police uprisings in Ferguson, MO and around the country that year.

Eric was identified as a suspect by local police because he had previously come under suspicion for anti-government and anti-police graffiti. In March 2016, Eric accepted a non-cooperating plea agreement to one count of using “explosive materials to commit arson” and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. His estimated release date is December of 2023.

In 2022 he went to trial for and was acquitted of additional federal charges for assaulting an correctional officer. Throughout his incarceration he has been isolated from his family, had communications frequently restricted, and targeting and tortured for his anti-racist and anarchist positions. He writes poetry, continues to practice yoga, and contributes to the Fire Ant journal. He is maintaining his dedication to struggling for a world free of domination and oppression.

Eric was released in December of 2023!

Support Eric King

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Thomas Meyer-Falk

Thomas, a RASH (red and anarchist skin head), was imprisoned since 1996 for robbing a bank to fund political projects and sentenced to almost sixteen years. In in two additional court cases he was sentenced for insult, intimidation, and the threatening of judges and public prosecutors. His sentence is now completed, but he is kept imprisoned indefinitely by a “preventative detention” law because he offensively plead his case instead of “regretting” his actions.

Thomas was released in November of 2023!

Thomas’s support website

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Panagiota (Pola) Roupa

On April 10, 2010, Gournas, Maziotis and Roupa were arrested on the charges of membership in the armed organisation Revolutionary Struggle. After Roupa and Maziotis were released on bail in October 2011, they went on the run. In April 2013 Pola Roupa was sentenced to 50.5 years of jail while hiding. In 2014 Nikos Maziotis was seriously wounded in the skirmish with police and arrested. In February 2016 Pola Roupa tried to set him free using a helicopter, but the attempt failed. In January 2017 Pola was arrested in a secret flat where she was hiding with her 6-year old child and another woman. In July 2018 Pola received life sentence plus 25 years in court.

After serving “8.5 years of real prison (13.5 years mixed)” Pola Roupa was released from prison with restrictive conditions on November 17, 2023, and a few days later, on November 28, 2023, the deputy prosecutor of Evia filed an appeal against her release, requesting that she be taken back to prison. This unprecedented event led comrade Pola Roupa before a new judicial council at the court of Chalkida on January 10, 2024, in order to judge from scratch whether she will remain free or continue to be a prisoner in the cells of the republic.

For more information:
Act for Freedom

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Noah “Kado” Coffin

Noah “Kado” Coffin is an anarchist prison rebel serving a 15-year sentence at the Eastham Unit in Texas, much of which he’s spent in solitary confinement.

“The struggle rages on, the walls are torn down every day by the ones who choose to storm them. I am Comrade Kado and you will never be forgotten. Together we stand against the tyranny of oppression, repression, the bonds of conformity, and stand for the ones who cannot. My endeavor is toward building upon the strength of our existing connections and through my own efforts (made possible only by the selfless and beautiful supporters) I shall become what we, behind the walls are in much need of – a voice, such a voice and effort, that will paint itself upon the hearts and thoughts of the ones who hear that time or barriers would crumble away to nothing as we rise together in this fight. I’m a poet, artist, activist for human rights, who loves the earth and life and together we can overcome. Together we will succeed in all our efforts. Look and you will find me on the front. Your names upon my lips and your sacrifices, the motivation and drive within…

In Love and Rage,