Michael Kimble’s 2024 Statement

Revolutionary Greetings Family

First, I’d like to give a brief rundown on my situation. Recently, I was able to hire an attorney to file a Rule 32 Petition seeking a sentence reduction. Thank you for all the generous contributions for my legal defense. I’m hoping that I’ll be out there with you all this year.

Things have escalated to a degree that Alabama prisons have been designated as the most dangerous prison system in the U.S. due to the high number of prisoner deaths from suicide, overdosing on drugs and homicides. At Donaldson prison where I’m being held captive there has been at least thirty prisoner deaths or more here since I arrived in 2021. And these slimy, greedy muthafuckas are committing atrocities in these prisons against human beings and low-intensity warfare via the drug epidemic, psychotropic and illicit drugs. Just a month ago it was reported on the local news that the warden of Limestone prison and his wife were both arrested for smuggling Fentanyl into the prison. In the same segment it was reported that the organs of deceased prisoners were missing from their bodies. If no other reasons other than the atrocities mentioned above, prisons should be abolished. Police do not stop crime, nor do prisons deter crime or I’m sure there would be less humans held captive by the state.

We, anarchist prisoners who are queer/trans are catching pure hell in Alabama prisons. We are being oppressed, repressed, and suppressed in many ways. We are arbitrarily being psychologically and physically abused and discriminated against by this system of oppression, pig administration and backward thinking prisoners. We do what we need to survive but staying true to our anarchist principles. And mostly without any help or support from the outside. When prison administrators see that we have support and solidarity from outside comrades, and movements, they back the fuck up in many ways.

We are abolitionists and “abolition is not impossible”. In the words of my comrade Sean Swain, “it may be inevitable. It may be happening all on its own right now and only needs us to help it occur a little faster. What can be done? Well, it isn’t brain science or rocket surgery. Imagine yourself the person in charge of these vast and sprawling complexes. Ask yourself, what would you NOT want to see happen? Then do that. Consider, all industrial complexes are dependent upon logistical networks or administrative offices and warehouses and suppliers and distributors to keep these complexes operating. None of these are behind impenetrable walls or fences; none of them are under armed guard by an army. All of them are vulnerable and fragile and flammable. Every location has parking lots. Every vehicle in every parking lot is vulnerable and fragile and flammable. Every vehicle has tires, and enters and exits the lots through choke-points that are, themselves, vulnerable. Perhaps with imagination we can develop low-risk and high-yield methods of making these complexes completely unmanageable, ushering in an era where they no longer exist. A great resource that re-imagines abolition is available at detroitabc.org. We own the future. The more we do, the faster it gets here.”

There is no time to act than now!

There’s always something you can do that’s simple and easy to reproduce. Thank you all for doing what you do. It inspires, excites and keeps me fighting. Only love and solidarity, and a perfect hate for oppression in all its manifestations can smash the state!

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