Detroit, Michigan (USA): Noise demo for June 11th

The June 11th noise demo outside of Wayne County Jails in downtown Detroit happened one day after the new interim police chief announced a plan to enforce strict noise and crowd ordinances in the wake of a fight in Greektown, which is one block from the Wayne County Jails. This included a plan to significantly increase police presence downtown on weekends.

Wayne County Jails are also presently experiencing a severe staffing shortage, which has led to officers refusing to work and likening their jobs to “being on death row.” In spite of this, we noticed police buses and vans downtown, parked and ready to load up more arrestees. We were not deterred by these intimidation tactics, as we were committed to showing up for the folks in our community being held captive by corrupt Detroit police.

About 50+ comrades attended the noise demo, representing local mutual aid groups, street medics, anarchist collectives, housing unions, environmental groups, abolitionists, musicians, and folks who had previously experienced incarceration. NLG were also on site for the early part of the noise demo. We distributed zines from, and mutual aid groups brought cold water and snacks. Folks had musical instruments, pots and pans, drums, kazoos and whistles, microphones and megaphones, thundersticks that said “FREE THE ALL”, and full PA systems. We made noise, danced, sang, and chanted for our incarcerated community members, some of whom we could see through the narrow frosted windows of the Andrew C. Baird Detention Facility. We held up signs with messages such as “Free them all” and “We love you” and chanted “Black lives matter” and “Fuck 12.” Music played through the PA included The Coup, NWA, and Dead Prez. Folks inside were seen dancing, waving, and holding notes up to the windows, showing us that they could see and hear us. It was a beautiful moment of solidarity felt by many.

We were given no trouble in spite of this alleged plan to crack down on weekend noise and crowds. At one point a couple of cops stood behind glass doors and filmed while comrades yelled “Fuck 12!” We held the space for about three hours until a heavy downpour forced those with electronic equipment to vacate. Still, some comrades continued to stay and make noise in the pouring rain, including one comrade who had brought a full drum set.

Many comrades felt moved by this action and expressed interest in showing up for incarcerated friends more frequently. June 11th in Detroit was a wonderful night of music, fun, and unity.


La manifestación de ruido por el 11 de junio frente a las cárceles del condado de Wayne, en el centro de Detroit, tuvo lugar un día después de que el nuevo jefe de policía interino anunciara un plan para aplicar estrictas ordenanzas sobre el ruido y las multitudes a raíz de una pelea en Greektown, que está a una manzana de las cárceles del condado de Wayne. Esto incluía un plan para aumentar significativamente la presencia policial en el centro de la ciudad los fines de semana.

Las cárceles del condado de Wayne también están experimentando actualmente una grave escasez de personal, lo que ha llevado a lxs agentes a negarse a trabajar y a comparar su trabajo con «estar en el corredor de la muerte». A pesar de ello, vimos autobuses y furgonetas de la policía en el centro de la ciudad, aparcados y listos para cargar con más detenidxs. No nos desanimaron estas tácticas de intimidación, ya que estábamos comprometidxs a mostrarnos por la gente de nuestra comunidad que está cautiva por la policía corrupta de Detroit.

Alrededor de 50 compañerxs asistieron a la manifestación de ruido, en representación de los grupos locales de apoyo mutuo, médicxs de la calle, los colectivos anarquistas, los sindicatos de la vivienda, los grupos ecologistas, lxs abolicionistas, lxs músicxs, y la gente que había experimentado previamente el encarcelamiento. NLG también estuvo presente en la primera parte de la manifestación. Distribuimos fanzines de, y los grupos de apoyo mutuo trajeron agua fría y bocadillos. La gente tenía instrumentos musicales, ollas y sartenes, tambores, kazoos y silbatos, micrófonos y megáfonos, palos de trueno que decían «Liberen a todxs», y sistemas completos de megafonía. Hicimos ruido, bailamos, cantamos y coreamos por lxs miembros de nuestra comunidad encarceladxs, algunxs de los cuales podíamos ver a través de las estrechas ventanas esmeriladas del centro de detención Andrew C. Baird. Levantamos pancartas con mensajes como «Liberad a todxs» y «los queremos» y coreamos «Las vidas negras importan» y «Que se jodan los 12». La música que sonaba por la megafonía incluía a The Coup, NWA y Dead Prez. Se vio a la gente dentro bailando, saludando y sosteniendo notas en las ventanas, mostrándonos que podían vernos y oírnos. Fue un hermoso momento de solidaridad que muchxs sintieron.

No tuvimos ningún problema a pesar de este supuesto plan para reprimir el ruido y las multitudes del fin de semana. En un momento dado, un par de policías se colocaron detrás de las puertas de cristal y filmaron mientras lxs compañerxs gritaban «¡Que se jodan los 12!». Mantuvimos el espacio durante unas tres horas hasta que un fuerte aguacero obligó a llevarnos los que llevaban equipos electrónicos. Aun así, algunxs compañerxs siguieron quedándose y haciendo ruido bajo la lluvia torrencial, incluido un compañero que había traído una batería completa.

Muchos compañerxs se sintieron conmovidxs por esta acción y expresaron su interés en presentarse con más frecuencia por lxs amigos encarceladxs. El 11 de junio en Detroit fue una maravillosa noche de música, diversión y unidad.



Solidaridad con lxs prisionerxs anarquistas, subversivos y sociales en huelga de hambre en la cárcel-empresa de Rancagua

El 05 de junio del 2021 los prisioneros capturados por el Estado chileno en la Cárcel de Alta Seguridad (CAS) son trasladados abruptamente a la Cárcel-Empresa de Rancagua. El 06 de junio la policía realiza la misma estrategia con los prisioneros capturados en la Sección de Máxima seguridad (SMS), bajo el pretexto de una remodelación de ambas unidades, lo que significará el perfeccionamiento del régimen de castigo y aislamiento del CAS y la Máxima.


London (UK): Two Manifestations – In the Context of June 11 International Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

We decided to mark June 11 by calling our little ‘manif sauvage’, with two targets: HMP Pentonville and the forthcoming Google London HQ. The point of this is twofold. Firstly, to start again a trajectory which has ebbed during lockdown – that of constant antagonism at the houses of confinement. In a sense, this seems to us to be an affirmation of the sense of the day of June 11th: to clarify that any repressive installations are a part of the global self-sustaining matrix of social control and exploitation. As such, we have seen no contradiction whatsoever in offering a brief disruption to the grotesque regime of control in an English prison, and agitating, speaking in the language and reality of, the international anarchist tension.

Continue reading “London (UK): Two Manifestations – In the Context of June 11 International Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners”

Kite Line: Marius Mason & Eric King

From Kite Line

Our show this week returns to June 11th, the international day of solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners. The focus of June 11th is overcoming the isolation that these long-term prisoners face, as the movements they participated in years ago give way to new struggles and new generations of radicals.  The day of solidarity works to connect these prisoners with struggles currently underway, especially those struggles with the potential to abolish the prison system, freeing them and all prisoners.

We begin with Letha, who gives us an update on Marius Mason, who alongside most prisoners, has faced an excruciating year of COVID isolation and vulnerability within the Danbury federal prison in Connecticut.  Marius organized in Bloomington and across the Midwest for decades, before being arrested for his participation in Earth Liberation Front actions.  He came out as transgender while inside, and has contributed solidarity statements both to the annual June 11th events around the world and to the January 22nd day of solidarity with trans prisoners.  Letha shares important notes on how to keep Marius and other prisoners connected to the outside world.

For our final segment, we return to our conversation with Lauren Regan from the Civil Liberties Defense Center. Last week, Lauren told us about the ongoing physical and mental harassment facing longterm anarchist antiracist prisoner Eric King, and his lawsuit against the U.S. Government.

You can get updates on Eric’s case via the CLDC website: and at

You can learn about supporting Marius, including how to write him here.

Portland, Oregon (USA): Prison profiteers attacked

From Rose City Counterinfo

From so-called “Portland”, on occupied Chinuk land

To celebrate the June 11th day of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, some anarchists took to the streets to attack prison slavery profiteers. Windows were smashed in and abolitionist messages painted on the walls of Whole Foods and Starbucks, in retaliation for both companies use of prison slave labor.

We send a message to our incarcerated comrades in the preferred anarchist language: Attack!

To Gage Halupowski, Marius Mason, Eric King, and all those behind bars: you are not forgotten.

To the cops and capitalists, prison guards and politicians: we are in every shadow, every hidden alleyway, sharpening knives behind your back. You will never catch us all!

Fire to the prisons.

Dancing on the Edge of the Abyss

[Reposted from Anarchist News]

received via email from AnarquíaInfo.

“Let us continue the assault on the existing by all means, undeterred by
those who would silence us with the stock weapons of reaction, be it the
kick of the democratic boot, the empty talk of opinion, or the siren
calls of the sweet men of hope.”

Jean Weir; Tamed Words from a Wild Heart.

“… sometimes it seems to us something so obvious that we forget to
insist punctiliously on the anti-authoritarian character of anarchism
and, therefore, consequently anti-systemic… Roughly anti-systemic! We
are against all Authority. That is our maxim”.

Gustavo Rodriguez. Talk at the Squatted Social Center “Casa

The authoritarian offensive has not stopped in these times of pandemic,
Covid-19 has turned out to be the perfect excuse to deepen social and
political control, being prisons the main place of experimentation and
application of these measures. We have systematically read updates on
the situation of anarchist prisoners around the world in this particular
context. We have seen how our comrade Eric King, who keeps alive his
permanent antagonism and his irreducible stance in Englewood prison, has been tortured by the guards and beaten by white supremacists, causing him severe physical and psychological injuries. The same happened to our comrade Dimitra Valavani, who was beaten and tortured, under the pretext that they wanted to obtain a DNA sample and, in recent days, our comrade Giannis Dimitrakis, who was also brutally beaten in Domokos prison by the prison mafia, leaving him in a serious condition, and we still do not know the consequences of this cowardly aggression.

June 11 is the International Day of Solidarity with comrade Marius Mason and with all the anarchist comrades sentenced to long sentences around the world. In the framework of this new June 11, we want to denounce what is happening in all latitudes of the planet with our anarchist comrades in prison and raise (without mincing our words) our response to concretize and consolidate solidarity with all our fellow comrades (in theory and in practice) who continue the anarchist war behind bars.

Continue reading “Dancing on the Edge of the Abyss”