London (UK): Solidarity cafe

June 11, 2022
Halk Evi
33 Dalston Ln

2pm onwards: “Pay What You Can” food & drink, infoshop: zines stickers & more / International Solidarity Day with Anarchist Federation

4:30: Resisting immigration raids workshop / Newham Anti Raids

6:30: “No Hard Feelings” film screening

The Final Straw Radio: Anti-Repression, Supporting Uprising and Anarchist Prisoners

From The Final Straw Radio

Pictures of anarchist prisoners, "TFSR 06-05-2022: Anti-Repression, UprisingSupport.Org and June11.Org"
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This week on the show, we’re featuring a few segments. First up, Chazz speaks about the website which shares the names and cases of people criminalized in relation to the George Floyd Uprising of 2020 across the so-called USA, as well as the importance of growing a culture of anti-repression and resistance. Then, for this year’s June 11th Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and All Long Term Anarchist Prisoners, you’ll hear supporters reading statements by Toby Shone in the so-called UK & Dan Baker in the so-called USA. You can find more on June 11th, announcements of celebrations, interviews with and about some of the featured prisoners and poster and sticker designs at June11.Org.
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June 11, 2022 update from Jennifer Rose

Today, there’s an informal anarchist organization, or an Anarchist International, which is so diverse and convergent simultaneously encompassing every anarchist tendency. From anarcho-communist, to anarcho-syndicalist, to anarcho-feminist, to anarcho-nihilist and anarcho-primitivist. There’s even anarcho-spirituality, and anarcho-punk, individualist and communalist anarchists, philosophical anarchist theorists and anarchists of praxis (or insurrectionary anarchists)! There’s also Autonomist, anti-fascist, and anti-colonialist or Indigenous anarchists! And Black anarchists!

All this gives me so much hope! The key to our progress, I think, lies in creating and defending autonomous space/zones, linking these struggles together with land autonomy and Indigenous Peoples struggles like those of the Zapatistas and Kurdish Resistance. And to link these also with the Revolutionary Prison Abolitionist movements, which have embraced a lot of anarchist organizing principles like Mutual Aid, Voluntary Cooperation, autonomous collectives, and internationalism/intercommunal solidarity, intersectional struggles, etc.

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA): Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity Bar-B-Que

June 11th
Clark Park (45th St & Chester Ave)

On June 11th come enjoy a vegan BBQ supporting anarchist and political

There will be food, drinks, and zines available by donation. All
donations will be sent to Bloomington ABC’s Anarchist Prisoner War Fund
and Anarchist Black Cross Federation’s Warchest Program. No one will be
turned away for lack of funds.

6PM at Clark Park in the square near 45th St and Chester Ave. There are
benches and picnic tables nearby, a paved path leads into the square.

June11 – Vuoden 2022 toimintakutsu

From Takku

Aika on rientänyt, vuodenajat vaihtuneet ja jälleen kerran on käsillä June11 -kansainvälinen solidaarisuuspäivä Marius Masonin ja kaikkien pitkiä tuomioita istuvien anarkistivankien tueksi.

Vuosi vierähti ja monet rakkaat toverimme ovat edelleen valtion vankeina. Päivittäin sen alistamina, eristyksen ja julmuuksien kohteina. June11 on se päivä vuodesta, jolloin pysähdymme alati lisääntyviltä elämän kiireiltä muistamaan heitä.

Muistamaan vangittuja tovereitamme. Muistamaan kapinoidemme historiaa. Muistamaan välillä hiipuvaa ja välillä taas roihuavaa anarkismin liekkiä.

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June 11, 2022 edition of Fire Ant

From Bloomington ABC

[PDF for printing]

Fire Ant is a quarterly publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends. Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid for anarchist prisoners while fostering communication between anarchists on both sides of the walls.

Issue #13 is a special June 11th edition of Fire Ant, featuring Sean Swain’s June 11th statement, thoughts on prisoner support from Lauren Swain, an interview with Jennifer Rose, a text by Comrade Z, an autobiographical piece by Thomas Meyer-Falk, Toby Shone’s June 11th statement, Michael Kimble on Afrikan anarchism, updates on Eric King, and the 2022 June 11th call.