Today, there’s an informal anarchist organization, or an Anarchist International, which is so diverse and convergent simultaneously encompassing every anarchist tendency. From anarcho-communist, to anarcho-syndicalist, to anarcho-feminist, to anarcho-nihilist and anarcho-primitivist. There’s even anarcho-spirituality, and anarcho-punk, individualist and communalist anarchists, philosophical anarchist theorists and anarchists of praxis (or insurrectionary anarchists)! There’s also Autonomist, anti-fascist, and anti-colonialist or Indigenous anarchists! And Black anarchists!
All this gives me so much hope! The key to our progress, I think, lies in creating and defending autonomous space/zones, linking these struggles together with land autonomy and Indigenous Peoples struggles like those of the Zapatistas and Kurdish Resistance. And to link these also with the Revolutionary Prison Abolitionist movements, which have embraced a lot of anarchist organizing principles like Mutual Aid, Voluntary Cooperation, autonomous collectives, and internationalism/intercommunal solidarity, intersectional struggles, etc.
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