Statement from Xinachtli 2023


Although the focus of this yearly INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY is premised on support of MARIUS MASON and anarchist prisoners, a suggestion is made here, that the anarchist movement in general, should also acknowledge the struggles all prisoners in struggle against the totalitarian class-state, whether in prison for direct revolutionary, anarchist, animal and earth liberation actions, or as mere social prisoners of conscience, and give all of us the Support we need to hold our keepers accountable for the gross human rights violations occurring this very moment, in both federal and state prisons, specially in the State of Texas. As Italian anarchist ERRICO MALATESTA ONCE PUT

[T]oday the most powerful force for social transformation is the working class movement…Anarchists must recognize the usefulness and the importance of the workers’ movement, must favour its development, and make it one of the levers for their action, doing all they can so that it, in conjunction with all existing progressive forces, will culminate in a social revolution which leads to the Suppression of classes and to complete freedom, equality, peace and solidarity among all human beings. (COMPLETE WORKS OF ERRICO MALATESTA, VOL. III,
AK PRESS, 2018)

One should guard against use of self-imposed labels that only serve to isolate our united struggles against fascism, living within the viper nest of our racist, fascist common enemy: U.S. IMPERIALISM
The “movement” should work to bring unity and solidarity amongst all “progressive forces,” be anarchists, Marxists, Maoists, who understand the political economy of capitalism, through pain, suffering, loss of freedom and death at the hands of the capitalist-class state who will go to any and all extremes to repress our liberation movement. Many of us, “political prisoners,” are unknown although we have a recorded history of resistance struggles against racism, exploitation, injustice, oppression, police brutality, that landed us in prison, as targets of the political COINTELPRO police, such as my case of political imprisonment, and my long-history of human rights activism on the outside, and
continued in prison.

In the State of Texas, fascism is on the rise, in the control off the Republican right-wing political party, that has ruled the State for decades, and is now the nerve-center of its fascist push to install white supremacist Donald Trump back in the White House in 2024, in its protracted war premised on neo-colonial criminal structures smacking of the roots of its white supremacist colonial settler foundation and the spoils of two colonial wars of conquest and annexation, of land robbery and extermination of native populations, now in its BICENTENNIAL HISTORY OF 200 YEARS, on the founding of the notorious police army, the TEXAS RANGERS militia, and the birth of the “whites-only” REPUBLIC OF TEXAS; while U.S. imperialist rulers decry: “war crimes” Russia is allegedly guilty of in its war against UKRAINE, while the blood of innocent men, women and children drips from its murderous, genocidal wars, and the amassing of military troops along the U.S./Mexico border to stop so-called illegal immigration, and on and on…..

FROM WITHIN THE CAGED CONFINES OF MY SOLITARY CELL, now going on 20-plus consecutive years in SOLITARY, I salute all class freedom fighters in struggle against the racist, barbaric conditions we are under nurtured by the capitalist class-state and foreign capital.

Texas Prison Mcconnell Control Unit,
Beeville, Tx
MAY 15, 2023