June 11, 2018 statement from Miguel Peralta


Solidarity statement from Miguel Peralta (Political Prisoner from Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca, Mexico)


Greetings to all of the comrades who receive these sincere words.

It’s not easy to say these two vast words: LONG-TERM SENTENCE. When we already know that their justice and carceral systems are worth nothing. The judicial apparatus and the criminals hide their faces behind the scales of justice, they distort and file documents in order to imprison the comrades who struggle against the establishment. They are hungry for flesh.

Similarly, it is difficult to adapt to isolation. We cannot allow ourselves to watch the days, months, and years pass on the calendar, while we endure the humiliation. We must fight the fear that prison generates and the sicknesses that we acquire here on a daily basis. We cannot stop searching for alternatives and improvising resistance as if we don’t have “the boot to our neck”. This is also a difficult task.

Long and enduring resistance could be the answer to these impositions, long and enduring struggle. Although it robs us of our energy, I think that our spirit will resist and keep beating like our enraged hearts, longing to walk, FREE!! One day we will manage to snatch back the days and nights that they have robbed from us, comrades.

Freedom to the Prisoners!

Down with the Prison Walls!

San Juan Bautista Cuicatlán, Oaxaca Continue reading “June 11, 2018 statement from Miguel Peralta”

June 11, 2018 statement from Jeremy Hammond

Revolutionary greetings on this day of solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners!

A raised fist to all those behind bars who maintain their dignity in the face of a system that dehumanizes and exploits us! Our steadfast commitment to our collective vision of a free society is more resilient than any prison they’ve ever built; even after all their iron bars and concrete walls crumble to dust, we will remain standing strong together.

A raised fist to all those in the world writing letters, sending books, marching in the streets or putting in all-nighters! Your words and actions have a ripple effect that reaches even those of us the system has attempted to bury. You remind us that we are all part of something bigger than any of us individually: that when one of us falls, others will pick up where you left off, and the struggle continues.

Reflecting on this year’s theme of sustainability and burnout, I consider how we can stay positively engaged despite the stresses and hardships of an oppressive society. Whether one is imprisoned, warehoused like cattle in the most minimal conditions allowed by law, or whether one lives in the so-called “free world” competing for survival in their financial rat race, we are all struggling under an authoritarian power structure and an economic system we had no role in creating and which offers us no future. I can understand how, in the face of a seemingly overwhelming military force, headed by the most blatantly corrupt corporate fascist to date, the odds may seem against us, and as a result, some can become jaded or burnt out.

Not a day goes by that I don’t say to myself that prison is fucking terrible and no one should have to live like this. Not for one second, however, do I regret my actions that have brought me here. Fully aware of the potential consequences of my illegal activities, I decided that it was better to risk everything to change an unjust society than to become comfortable within it’s cage. We can’t foresee every card that life deals, every betrayal or unfortunate circumstance; I’ve made mistakes and tactical blunders, and have taken some losses along the way, but I still believe in the power of direct action and hacktivism. The key to overcoming these challenges is staying focused and active, and constantly evolving oneself to confront new circumstances while staying true to our principles.

Possibly the greatest injustice as an imprisoned anarchist is the inability to participate in the movements that we were a part of. Often we would be completely unaware of how history is unfolding, if it weren’t for the diligent efforts of the comrades out there who have kept us connected to our communities and informed of current news and analysis. Your work in this regard is much appreciated; knowing that people have our backs, gives us continued strength and inspiration. It brings a smile to my face every time I read a reportback or critical analysis, knowing that it is still going down out there. And as I complete the final stretch of my bid, I am preparing myself physically and mentally for my release, and look forward to joining you all.

See you in the streets!

Continue reading “June 11, 2018 statement from Jeremy Hammond”

The Hague (Netherlands) Banner and posters on international solidarity day with anarchist prisoners

From Autonomen Den Haag

Today, June 11, is the international solidarity day with anarchist prisoners. That’s why, last week, we put posters up in The Hague, the Netherlands and hung a banner today with the text: ‘Freedom for all anarchist prisoners’.

The solidarity day with anarchist prisoners arose to draw attention to comrades held in the dungeons of the state, to show that they are not forgotten and to make fight against the prison society.

Solidarity with Lisa, who is serving a prison sentence of seven and a half years on suspicion of a bank robbery in Germany. Solidarity with Peike, who is serving a prison sentence of two years and seven months becasue of resisting against the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. Freedom for all anarchist prisoners!

Against a world of banks, the state, prisons and the world that needs them!

For anarchy!

Continue reading “The Hague (Netherlands) Banner and posters on international solidarity day with anarchist prisoners”

Yogyakarta (Indonesia): Banner for anarchist prisoners

From the network of Anarchist Individualis Yogyakarta, in International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason, Ucil, Oza, Azwar, Cedar, the J20 protesters and All term anarchist prisoners!.

Banner reads ‘Abolish the Prison! Freedom for Mason, Ucil, Oza, Azwar, Cedar, J20 & All Anarchist Prisoners’.

International Solidarity to Marius Mason an Anarchist militant from Earth Liberation Front (ELF) who is serving a 22-year prison term. Imprisoned for burning the University of Michigan Laboratory conducting research on genetically engineered organisms (GMOs) funded by Monsanto.

International Solidarity to class war prisoners in Yogyakarta who is undergoing legal process, after being arrested while protesting against the monarchy-feudal society and the repression of the apparatus in building the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) infrastructure mega project that rid the peasants of Kulonprogo.

Solidarity to Cedar (Peter) Hopperton who had been arrested and indicted for the property damage that occurred in Locke Street, Hamilton.

International Solidarity to approximately 200 J20 prisoners in the US who are threatened of up to 60 years in prison after protesting against Trump’s presidency and the hegemony of the economic-political system of capitalism.

The last, International Solidarity to all long-term Anarchist Prisoners.


Any funds to anarchists prisoners in Yogyakarta will be gratefully recieved and can be paid into this paypal account: https://www.paypal.me/TobiVBonano

Continue reading “Yogyakarta (Indonesia): Banner for anarchist prisoners”

On Slavery, Nat Turner, John Brown, and Drones: A Statement from Sean Swain

In previous years, I have used the occasion of June 11 to roll out what I thought were pretty big ideas. In 2015, for example, I described how blastblog.noblogs.org had posted the home addresses of Ohio prison officials, including those who had orchestrated the torture regimen I endured at Mansfield. In that statement, opposing torture, I suggested that we collectively adopt a policy of self-defense against state terrorists, that when they torture us, we burn their cars and houses down; that when they stop the torture, we stop the burning.

The ODRC claimed that what I said constituted a threat to every single employee of the ODRC and their families. As what I wrote was a statement opposing torture, to me, it seems like something of an admission that every single employee of the ODRC was threatened. This means that even the ODRC recognizes that all of its employees participate in torture.

At any rate, as fate will have it, in 2017 when I undertook at 50-day hungerstrike, those home addresses were still posted. I have it on good authority that prison officials received death threats at their homes, at all hours of the night and day, phoned in from “exotic area codes.” I have also heard a rumor that, at one of those state terrorist’s residences, an item of property of significant value somehow ended up getting torched. I don’t know whose home, and I don’t know whether the significantly-valued property was a house or a car or even a barbecue grill, but I know this: After that piece of property got torched, state terrorists began negotiating an end to my hungerstrike and I got all of my communications restored.

Continue reading “On Slavery, Nat Turner, John Brown, and Drones: A Statement from Sean Swain”

June 11, 2018 statement from Marius Mason

Thank you for coming together again to support all the long-term anarchist prisoners. Your support and encouragement are the life breath for anyone trying to keep heart and soul together while spending so many years away from the inspiration and motivation that our committed communities of resistance provide. It seems like the longer I am away, the more those memories seem necessary to me, feeding my spirit with the knowledge that a new world is possible.

I want to wish my comrades in the Earth First!, IWW, animal rights and native sovereignty movements many victories, as well as to extend my love and hope to the good friends struggling for queer and trans rights.

My blood pumps still because you live and fight. I want to send a wild wolf howl to all the anarchist buddies and friends yet to be met who have sent me their stories, their love and their vision describing a world without hierarchy. I see through your eyes and dream with you. My life is small here, though still bigger than it was in my old constricted Unit. I have met many, many wonderful people and so many new trans friends. Yet I have such limited capacity and I have been feeling my age and some age-related health problems….but I continue to advocate for my request to complete my medical transition. I am discouraged that the TEC (which decides cases like mine for the BOP) has NOT met yet, though I had been told by staff here that my case would be heard this past week. I will keep our community informed as to how that process continues to unfold. It is a long arc towards justice, but with your help and support… surely, all trans prisoners asking for medical relief will be vindicated.

I feel like it is so hard now to contribute meaningfully to creating the world that we dream of so passionately. I find that it is difficult to follow the news of our campaigns in the free world to defend the water, to protect our animal brothers and sisters, to demand a society that is not built on hate and exclusion but rather built on love and inclusion… But I am committed to supporting my fellow prisoners here, and try to do that work with integrity, offering comfort and support in both their day to day hurts and troubles and in their/our long-term goals for dignity and ultimately – freedom. I am so much stronger because I know that you are with us, helping us to persist until that day of freedom comes. You have my ever-lasting gratitude for carrying me through these long seasons of waiting.

I am forever in your debt. Stay strong, do right, be brave..I am so proud to call you my family.

Love and solidarity,
Marius Mason



Gracias por reunirse nuevamente para apoyar a todxs lxs prisionerxs anarquistas de larga condena. Su apoyo y aliento son el respiro de vida para cualquiera que intente mantener el corazón y el alma unidos mientras pasa tantos años lejos de la inspiración y la motivación que brindan nuestras comprometidas comunidades de resistencia. Parece que cuanto más tiempo estoy lejos, más me parecen necesarios esos recuerdos, alimentando mi espíritu con el conocimiento de que un nuevo mundo es posible.

Quiero desearle a mis compañerxs de Earth First!, IWW, de los derechos de los animales y de los movimientos de soberanía indígena muchas victorias, así como extender mi amor y esperanza a lxs buenxs amigxs que luchan por los derechos queer y trans.

Mi sangre bombea porque vives y peleas. Quiero enviar un aullido de lobo salvaje a todxs lxs amigos y amigas anarquistas, aún por conocer, que me han enviado sus historias, su amor y su visión describiendo un mundo sin jerarquía. Veo a través de tus ojos y sueño contigo. Mi vida es pequeña aquí, aunque aún más grande de lo que era en mi antigua unidad restringida. He conocido muchas, muchas personas maravillosas y tantos nuevos amigos trans. Sin embargo, tengo una capacidad limitada y he sentido mi edad y algunos problemas de salud relacionados con la edad… pero sigo abogando por mi solicitud de completar mi transición médica. Estoy desalentado de que el TEC (que decide casos como el mío para la balanza de pagos) aún no se han reunido, aunque el personal me dijo que mi caso sería atendido la semana pasada. Mantendré a nuestra comunidad informada sobre cómo continúa desarrollándose ese proceso. Es un largo arco hacia la justicia, pero con su ayuda y apoyo… seguramente, todxs lxs prisionerxs trans que pidan alivio médico serán vindicadxs.

Siento que ahora es tan difícil contribuir significativamente a crear el mundo con el que soñamos con tanta pasión. Encuentro que es difícil seguir las noticias de nuestras campañas en el mundo libre para defender el agua, proteger a nuestros hermanos y hermanas animales, exigir una sociedad que no se base en el odio y la exclusión sino que se base en el amor y la inclusión … Pero estoy comprometido en apoyar a mis compañerxs prisionerxs aquí, y trato de hacer ese trabajo con integridad, ofreciéndoles consuelo y apoyo tanto en sus heridas y problemas cotidianos como en sus y nuestros objetivos a largo plazo para la dignidad y en última instancia, la libertad . Soy mucho más fuerte porque sé que estás con nosotrxs, ayudándonxs a persistir hasta que llegue ese día de libertad. Tienes mi eterna gratitud por llevarme a través de estas largas temporadas de espera.

Estoy eternamente en deuda contigo. Mantente fuerte, haz lo correcto, sé valiente… Estoy tan orgulloso de llamarte mi familia.

Amor y solidaridad
Marius Mason


June 11th benefit buttons

From Detritus Books

To celebrate June 11th, the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners, all proceeds from these 1″ button sets will go to long term anarchist prisoners.

Buttons all feature anarchists whose lives were destroyed (or interrupted for years on end) by the state: Kuwasi Balagoon, Ravachol, Sante Caserio, Louise Michel, Francesc Sabaté Llopart, Gaetano Bresci, Louis Lingg, Leon Czolgosz, Fumiko Kaneko, and Margarita Ortega.

Five buttons per set, randomly picked, but feel free to specify five if you have preferences.

One week until June 11th!

We are one week away from the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners!

Events are coming in fast & there’s still time for organize events and actions in your town. Everything from writing a letter to an imprisoned anarchist to attacking the dreadful normalcy of everyday life contributes to the sort of living and active solidarity that can aid our comrades behind bars and stoke fires which may someday burn down the prisons.

If you’re not sure what to do, check out this list of possibilities drawn from previous years, and our page full of posters, handbills, audio interviews, and more.

And if you’re looking for inspiration, a number of imprisoned anarchists have written powerful statements for this year’s June 11th.


Please email information on additional events to june11th [at] riseup [dot] net

Asheville, NC (USA)
June 11 // 6pm
Potluck BBQ in honor of imprisoned comrades
@ Asheville Park
More info here

Austin, TX (USA)
June 11 // 7:30-9:30
The Gentleman Bank Robber movie screening + letter writing
@ Monkeywrench Books (110 E North Loop Blvd)
a benefit for Austin ABC & former-prisoner & anti-authoritarian urban guerrilla bo brown
Facebook event

Bloomington, IN (USA)
June 7 // 10pm-3am
Rock Against Racism dance party
@ The Back Door (207 S College Ave)
a benefit for June 11th organizing
Facebook event

June 12 // 7-9pm
Letter writing for imprisoned anarchists
@ Monroe County Public Library

Chico, CA (USA)
June 11 // gather at 8pm, film at 9pm
Info share, letter writing, and screening the film If a Tree Falls
@ Blackbird Books, gallery, cafe (1431 Park Ave)
Cincinnati, OH (USA)
 June 11 // 6:30pm
Talks on prisoner support + letter writing
@ small grassy area across the street from Mockbee, in Brighton, between Central Pkwy & Central Ave
Then! 10pm onward…
Selling zines, books, clothing, art, etc. + free literature about June 11th
@ Mockbee 2260 Central Pkwy. Cincinnati

Contact: realicide [at] gmail [dot] com

Denver, CO (USA)
June 11 // 5:30 – 8:45 pm
Prison Abolition Potluck
Prison abolitionists will come together to break bread, learn from one
another, and network. Screening of Trouble – No Justice… Just Us, updates, prison abolition discussion and socializing.
For more info, contact denver iwoc at denver [at] incarceratedworkers.org

Durham, NC (USA)
June 17 // 6pm
Letter writing
@ The Pinhook

Grand Rapids, MI (USA)
June 11 // 7pm (tentatively)
Movies, Games, Food, and Letter Writing
@ MLK Park

Minneapolis, MN (USA)
June 10 // 6pm
Vegan potluck, letter writing, board games
Potluck & letters at 6, games at 7:30
@ 2301 Portland Ave S
More info

Montreal, QC (Canada)
June 11 // 22h
Tabling & letter writing + show
with Gazm & Cell, Wax
@Bistro de Paris

Olympia, WA (USA)
June 11 // 8pm
Benefit Show & Letter writing
with Aro, Lomes, Pines
@ 115 Legion Way SW

Olympic Peninsula (USA)
June 11 // 6-8pm
Prisoner Letter Writing & Film Screening
Letter writing & snacks at 6pm, screening of “The Gentleman Bank Robber: The Story of Butch Lesbian Freedom Fighter rita bo brown” at 7. Donations welcome and encouraged, but no one turned away! Snacks and letter writing materials/info provided.
@ Jefferson County Library (in the big meeting room) / traditional Klallam territory / Port Hadlock, WA / Olympic Peninsula

Omaha, NE (USA)
June 12
Day’s and Daze Concert
@ the Lookout Lounge (322 South 72nd. Street)
Distro table for June 11th Day of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners envelopes, addresses and stamps available. Stop by and write a letter to those behind prison bars.

Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
June 8-11
Fight Toxic Prisons Conference

Portland, OR (USA)
June 11 // 4pm
Letters to Prisoners
@ Social Justice Action Center (400 SE 12th Ave)
Followed by a noise demo @ 7PM

June 14 // 6-9pm
Prisoner letter writing night
@ Social Justice Action Center (400 SE 12th Ave)
Facebook event

Santiago, Chile
16 de Junio
Disidencia, accion directa y liberacion total
Conversatorios, proyecciones, musica en vivo, comida vegana, rifa a beneficio, venta de almuerzo
@ Centro Cultural Pedro Mariqueo (Pob. La Victoria)
Más información

Seattle, WA (USA)
June 10 // 6pm
Potluck, art show, benefit
173 16th ave and Spruce


June 11, 2018 statement from Michael Kimble

Revolutionary salutations to Marius Mason and all long term anarchist prisoners being held captive by the state, and to all anarchists around the world.

My name is Michael Kimble and I am a long term anarchist prisoner in the state of Alabama. I’ve been imprisoned for thirty-one years and throughout my imprisonment I’ve been engaged in the fight against authority and domination, and the how-to end this miserable existence.

Throughout this fight I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no clear cut way to bring this nightmare to an end and to sustain our movements, and projects except through building relationships involving everyday life. Building relationships builds trust, loyalty, understanding and cohesion. Cohesion is what is going to sustain us, our movements, projects and comrades behind the walls.

We only have to project the principles of anarchism such as mutual aid, cooperation, a healthy dose of hatred for all forms of oppression, domination, authority and capital. Relationships based on a shared vision of struggle, but also accompanying all the above can be subversive. It’s simple, but difficult to practice due to our socialization into what we have now.

We, long term prisoners can do nothing other than fight back and survive. But to survive in a healthy way, we need our movements strong and healthy. And I think that we are on that road. The road to creation cohesion – community.

Shout out to all those around the world who have written to me, sent cards, commissary funds, shoes and most importantly making me part of your lives.

Smash The State!
Fire To The Prisons!
A Luta Continua!
Tuta Shinde Mbili Shaka
(together we can win without doubt)


Saludos revolucionarios a Marius Mason y a todxs lxs prisionerxs anarquistas de larga condena que están cautivos por el Estado y a todxs lxs anarquistas de todo el mundo.

Mi nombre es Michael Kimble y soy un prisionero anarquista de larga condena en el estado de Alabama. He estado encarcelado durante treinta y un años y durante mi encarcelamiento he estado involucrado en la lucha contra la autoridad y la dominación, y en el modo de como poner fin a esta existencia miserable.

A lo largo de esta lucha, he llegado a la conclusión de que no hay una forma clara de poner fin a esta pesadilla y de mantener nuestros movimientos y proyectos, excepto a través de la construcción de relaciones que involucren la vida cotidiana. Construir relaciones genera confianza, lealtad, comprensión y cohesión. La cohesión es lo que nos sostendrá, nuestros movimientos, proyectos y compañerxs detrás de las paredes.

Solo tenemos que proyectar los principios del anarquismo como el apoyo mutuo, la cooperación, una saludable dosis de odio a todas las formas de opresión, dominación, autoridad y capital. Las relaciones basadas en una visión compartida de la lucha, pero que también acompañan a todas las anteriores, pueden ser subversivas. Es simple, pero difícil de practicar debido a nuestra socialización que tenemos ahora.

Nosotrxs, lxs presxs de larga condena no podemos hacer nada más que luchar y sobrevivir. Pero para sobrevivir de manera saludable, necesitamos que nuestros movimientos sean fuertes y saludables. Y creo que estamos en ese camino. El camino hacia la creación de una cohesión – comunidad.

Un agradecimiento a todxs aquellxs alrededor del mundo que me han escrito, enviado tarjetas, fondos para el comisariato, zapatos y lo más importante haciéndome parte de sus vidas.

¡Abajo al Estado!

¡Fuego a las prisiones!

¡La Lucha Continua!

Tuta Shinde Mbili Shaka

(juntos podemos ganar sin duda)



June 11, 2018 statement from Eric King

I’ve got a lot of shit to say. Not right now per se, but in general there is a lot I like to talk about, and a lot I want to get off my chest or vent about. The environment I currently am held in is not conducive to radical or ”liberal” conversation topics. Me lamenting about vegan food options isn’t an interesting topic here in the politically west coast. My tongue is developing callouses I bite it so much around here. You’ve gotta keep yourself cool and out of bullshit, and the best and safest bet for me is often the mute button.

This is why I love my support team, and why I love people who write and support me. They turn my mute button off, they un-muzzle me. I can laugh with the people who back me when a rogue Anarchist helicopter crashes itself to kill all the soldiers on board. I can celebrate Herman’s release, or cry over the loss of more Palestinian life. I can get challenged on my views and ideas, I can be heard and recognized as another human being with ideas and feelings and beliefs. Something that very rarely happens in here. It is one of the biggest blessings I have, being able to share stories, share feelings, and share life with other human beings that can see past these walls.

Continue reading “June 11, 2018 statement from Eric King”